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Global Governance

Global Governance

Workgroup data
puce Participants puce Proposal Paper
puce Principles of Governance for the Twenty-first Century

Reforming the U.N. and Redefining Global Governance
March 2005. Here is an account of the last meeting that took place on March 3 in New York between a delegation of civil-society groups, and representatives of the U.N. Secretariat. You may also consult the document that the FPH and the Alliance presented in this meeting, containing the main points of the discussion on reforming the U.N. and redefining global governance. This information is relevant to the recent publication by the United Nations of the report In Larger Freedom, which is the starting point for the debate on the reform of this institution and is to lead to the approval (...)

puce Reforming the United Nations Organization and Redefining Global Governance - Gustavo Marin -
puce Main Points for the Discussion with the United Nations Secretariat - Gustavo Marin - - Pierre Calame -
puce View all (2 Response(s))

:: Articles ::

Founding Principles :: September 2002 ::

Other Documents :: March 2002 ::

Global Universal Service, a Role for NGOs
:: Seán O SIOCHRU :: September 2001 ::

Towards a Global Framework for Democratic Media
:: Marc RABOY :: September 2001 ::

Applications to various fields of activity :: September 2001 ::

Other documents :: September 2001 ::

The building of Europe: Some lessons for the future
:: Pierre Calame :: September 2001 ::

Processes and strategies for change :: September 2001 ::


This Workgroup is active

Main Web Site

Forum for a new World Governance

Other related Web sites

--- Transnationale
--- Public Citizen - Global Trade Watch
--- World Citizens Assembly
--- Institut Aspen France
--- Bretton Woods Project
--- Institute for research and debate on governance
--- School of Democracy
--- Focus on the Global South
8 Web sites: + details

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