Part Three :
Report on the Participatory Process Used for the
and Future of the Alliance
EIFE and
e-forums, and Porto Alegre Meeting
March 2002 - April 2003
Interpretation of the 26 appraisals and 9 comments.
There was practical unanimity on the need to elaborate "alternative
models to the current globalization" that articulate
the proposals generated in the Alliance, but also in the World Social
Forum and other forums ... to give this "other possible world"
content, on the basis of the views of each society but which offer
rules of the game on the global scale as alternatives to the current
neoliberal globalization.
The immense majority also approved of setting up
a "cross-cultural facilitation team"
for dialogue processes via the Internet, and via cross-thematic,
cross-cultural, and cross-socioprofessional meetings ... in order
to increase the quality and effectiveness of our collective processes.
Also, it was suggested, but to a much lesser degree,
to also set up mono-cultural facilitation teams for the
workgroups and for training resource persons, although
there were also a few persons who did not see the importance nor
the wealth of this type of team.
As for the Alliance's having a voice, or
a "subset" of voices in solidarity, in favor of just causes
in keeping with its principles (Palestine, Argentina, Zimbabwe,
etc.), there was more disparity of opinions. Although most people
approved the idea, there was one who only "half agreed"
because he was in favor of supporting already existing initiatives
and of promoting initiatives when there are none.
Along the same lines, there was a sort of general
skepticism regarding the need for the members of the Alliance
to have a common language for the global issues, issues
that are outside of the realm of the thematic groups or rather that
are general issues and to which the thematic groups could contribute
specific solutions .
There was more of a variety of appraisals (although most were favorable)
for the proposal of setting up a "nonviolent intervention
corps," a "mediators corps" with the involvement
of Nobel Peace Award winners and distinguished persons, and on the
basis of already existing initiatives such as the Global Nonviolent
Peace Force, the International Fellowship of Reconciliation”,
(It should be observed that this idea was already
being initiated all over the world by some 80 organizations under
the name of Nonviolent Peace Force and that some Allies are involved
in its development).