Part Three :
Report on the Participatory Process Used for the
and Future of the Alliance
EIFE and
e-forums, and Porto Alegre Meeting
March 2002 - April 2003
3. Interpretations of the appraisals and comments
on the 12 texts
Interpretation of the 31 appraisals and 22 comments.
Most of those who appraised the text see the Alliance as an
extremely rich place for exchanging ideas and thoughts on new and
alternative civilization paradigms and, at the same time,
as a forum that enables "human" enrichment,
a way of “being together” that one also considered to
be innovative.
There was some disagreement on whether
the proposals of the Alliance are truly anchored in the problems
that human beings and societies face daily. Moving in this
direction, one comment stressed the importance of personal
change and of the identification of the challenges of the
human condition.
Although there was a variety of opinions, there
was still a majority who agreed on stressing the importance of the
scale of the Alliance and on the fact that it has
been an unusual collective adventure in its proposal-building
focus, its thematic scope, its socioprofessional and geocultural
diversity, and its calendar, which is independent of the official
international calendar.
It was found that the result is somewhat frustrating
for some and some described this frustration by expressing
a doubt as to whether "our" forces could truly oppose,
in time, the destructive forces that are in the hands of politicians,
big business, and the military.
Also, although this was one of the most criticized
points, it was stressed that personal investment in the
work of the Alliance after several years has been colossal.
Some commented that on some occasions, a lot of energy was wasted.
Along these same lines, some also stressed that
much disillusion turned up and many people withdrew
from a number of processes, which should lead to reorienting certain
Lastly, there was a great divergence of
opinions on whether the Assembly of Lille, the Proposal Papers,
and the present direction of the Alliance is exceptional and really
hold great promise for the future of the planet. It was
also questioned whether the Alliance had really contributed to social