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title > What’s New?

Topics Included

Topic: Desirable News

After the 2001 World Citizens’ Assembly, Nova, Centre per a la Innovació Social published a series of future "desirable news" articles based on the Alliance Proposal Papers, and gave them dates ranging from November 22, 2003... to August 31, 2010. Although this projected news may not (all?) have become reality, we are publishing them in our What’s New? section on the projected dates, so we can keep our eyes on the horizon and measure how far we have come.

Go ! Austral forests to be an international protected area - 22 November 2003 - by Nova, Centre per a la Innovació Social (NOVACIS)
YESTERDAY, after long years of work by non-governmental environmental organisations from all over the world and the people who live in these regions, the creation of the Intercontinental Sanctuary of Native Forests of the South was finally approved.


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