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globe logo     Caravan: Newsletter of the Alliance for a Responsible and United World
Number 7 December 2000

bulletFrom Readers
bulletVisit to Mallorca & Catalunya
bulletASSEMBLY 2000-2001
bulletInternational Youth Parliament
 · For a sustainable tourism
 · Charter
 · Towards an ethics of tourism
 · What tourism...?
 · To go on a vacation
 · Transverses
 · Seen from the South
 · Tourism as Trade
 · Rural Integrated Tourism
 · Market attack on culture
 · Unauthentic carpets
 · Iran
 · Agenda Local 21
 · Calviā (Mallorca)
 · Balearic Islands
 · Initiatives
bulletThe Artist
bulletReturn to ALLIANCE LIBRARY

For a sustainable tourism
Achieving Agenda Local 21 in a tourist municipality

Calviā is a municipality on the west coast of the Mallorca Island (Baleares) in the Mediterranean, within the metropolitan zone of Palma. With a residing population of 36 000, it is host, every year, to 1.5 million tourists mostly in summer. 80% of the tourists are Germans and Britons. Mass tourism began here in the sixties with constant construction of hotels and excessive exploitation of natural resources. Towards the end of the eighties, the consequence of uncontrolled development started becoming visible and worrisome. Deterioration was obvious and tourist demand had declined.

After many efforts to counter this alarming situation, the municipality of Calviā, inspired by the Rio Summit (1992), launched Agenda local 21 in 1995. It suggested a long term vision integrating tourism and local development that respects the environment. Agenda local 21 comprises of 40 initiatives. Each one has one or more projects attached to it. A citizens' forum of about 300 people is directly involved in achieving these initiatives. In 1998, the mayor consulted the population of the municipality which responded in favour of Agenda local 21. Currently the project is undergoing evaluation to know if the initiatives and projects have managed to bring about positive change...

Contact : Town Hall of Calviā
Can Vich, 29, 07184 Calviā (Mallorca), Spain
Tel: +34.971.13.91.00 - Fax: +34.971.13.91.61
E-mail :

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