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www.alliance21.org > Proposal Papers > Workgroup on Solidarity Socio-Economy

Health and its Issues in the Twenty-first Century

Published in November 2001

The current crisis of humankind manifests itself principally through the fact that a great part of its members suffer from, among other things, poverty, injustice, discrimination, inequality, lack of technologies and difficulties in accessing health services. Health is a fundamental factor of human development, and an health-centred analysis is thus essential, and can provide us with elements of principles that could help us face this crisis more globally. A group of health professionals offer condireations on some of these principles, such as:
- the definition of health, which could result in the elaboration of a framework that could allow us to implement actions and concrete proposals within this domain.
- the predominant health model or system, which has clearly shown its insufficiency and which needs to be reformed.
- The financial support which would help in reducing inequalities in the field of health.


Juan Vielmas - Santiago de Chile

Coordinated by ...

- Didier Seyler

Médecin généraliste (Côte d’Ivoire)


- Juan Vielmas Cerdas

Graduate in Infirmary. Master in Public Health. Director of the Health Reference Center El Pino. Professor of Hospital Administration in the University of Santiago de Chile, Faculty of Medical Sciences. He participates in the Alianza Cono Sur. Invited professor of the University of Magallanes. Former national leader of the Chilean National Federation of Health Workers.



Final version - 97.8 kb -

Topics Included

social equilibrium . health . world

Workgroup Papers

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Go ! Finance for the Common Good
Go ! From the WTO’s Setback in Seattle ... to the Conditions for Global Governance
Go ! Growth and Sustainable Development
Go ! Health and its Issues in the Twenty-first Century
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Go ! Production, Investment, and Technology
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Go ! Solidarity Economy
Go ! Solidarity Finance
Go ! Tax Policies, Redistribution, and Social Welfare
Go ! The Trade-union Movement at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century
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Go ! Work, Employment, and Activity
Go ! World Trade Organization

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