Solidarity Economy
Published in May 2001
Coordinated by
- Humberto Ortiz Roca Economist of the Episcopal Commission of Social Action. Member of the Work Table "Debt and Development in Peru" as well as of the Coalition Jubilee 2000. He participates in lobby actions and international solidarity with organizations of the civil society from accredited countries, aiming to achieve reductions of bilateral debt with participation of the civil society. He coordinates a network in-progress that is building a proposal for an Andean strategy on abandoning the debt in South America. He coordinates the Solidarity Economy Network of Peru Site Comisión Episcopal de Acción Social |
- Laurent Fraisse
Researcher in socioeconomy at the Research and Information Center on Democracy and autonomy (CRIDA) working on solidarity and social economy, third sector and social policies. Co-facilitator at the Workgroup on Solidarity Socio-Economy (PSES-ALOE) of the alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World. Site Pôle de Socio-Economie Solidaire |
- Manon Boulianne I am anthropologist. I’ve done some research in Mexico and Quebec, notably on the work of the farmer women and the economic individual and household strategies as well as the collective action in a context of precariousness. I am especially interested in the risks of "domestication of the public space" related to the care of the resourceless by non paid women |
