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www.alliance21.org > Proposal Papers > Workgroup on Solidarity Socio-Economy

Ethical Consumption

Published in May 2001

Coordinated by ...

- Flávia Soares

Psychologist, Master’s Degree at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), with the thesis " The throwaway humanity: the dynamics of the consumption in the current globalization " She works in formation of popular cooperatives and workers’ qualification. Researcher of the Laboratory of Technology and Social Development, the - LTDS / COPPE / UFRJ, acting in social and environmental projects. Co-facilitator of the Ethical Consumption workshop.

Site - COPPE


- Nelson Diehl

I work in Coonatura, an Association of Consumers of Ecological foods in the city of Rio de Janeiro.


Topics Included

consumption . ethics . companies . ecological balance . environment . information . international agencies . network . social movement . state . world

Workgroup Papers

Go ! Companies Beyond Profit?
Go ! Debt and Structural Adjustment
Go ! Economic Policies
Go ! Ethical Consumption
Go ! Fair Trade
Go ! Finance for the Common Good
Go ! From the WTO’s Setback in Seattle ... to the Conditions for Global Governance
Go ! Growth and Sustainable Development
Go ! Health and its Issues in the Twenty-first Century
Go ! How Can Companies Exercise Their Responsibilities?
Go ! Precarity and Exclusion
Go ! Production, Investment, and Technology
Go ! Red Card for Tourism?
Go ! Social Money: Lever of the Economic Paradigm
Go ! Solidarity Economy
Go ! Solidarity Finance
Go ! Tax Policies, Redistribution, and Social Welfare
Go ! The Trade-union Movement at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century
Go ! Women and the Economy
Go ! Work, Employment, and Activity
Go ! World Trade Organization

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