Women and the Economy
Published in May 2001
Coordinated by
- Cécile Sabourin
Cécile Sabourin is Teacher in the University of Quebec at Abitibi-Témiscamingue. She is Coordinator of the Committee Québec/Canada of the Alliance for a Charter of Human Responsibilities and member of its International Animation Committee. Formed in Economy with specialization in the domain of tourism, she is especially interested in the political and social aspects of the dominating economic model. She facilitated the workshop "Women and Economy" of the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World (2000-2004) and is chairwoman of the Quebec Federation of University Teachers (FQPPU). One important goal of this post is to act in favour of Public Education and Academic unionism. She is also chairwoman of the Centre of Socioeconomic and Cultural Research and Animation. |
- Josée Belleau Some prominent experiences that reveal "my colours" in part: I’ve co-facilitated the activities of the workshop "women and economy" of the alliance (2000/2001). I’ve co-produced a "Mosaic in homage to the struggles of women through the world" with the team of the World March of women (1999). I’ve co-organized a citizen, pro-active and solidarity refusal against the pseudo consensus of a socioeconomic Summit that wanted to make us swallow neo-liberal policies (1996). I’ve co-organized and participated in the women march against the poverty " bread and roses", a 200 kilometres march with 800 great women and thousands of supporters along the roads and at the arrival (1995). I’ve organized a tour in a dozen of centres of rural and urban women that developed solidarity socio-economic projects with excluded or discriminated women (1992). I’ve animated a cultural evening intituled "Feminist Utopias" with more of hundred happy women around a delicious banquet (1988). I’ve lived in an habitat cooperative at the top of its capacity of tolerance and social mixture (1983-1986). I’ve collaborated to the setting up of a solidarity workshop of creation and exhibition of visual arts in a popular district (1977). In 2002, I am an individual member of the following organizations: Relais-Femmes (Center of formation and research for women groups). Centre de Formation Populaire (for organisms and communitarian enterprises). Federation of the Women of Quebec (political action in favour of the equality of women). Carrefour québecois pour le développement local (A pact among local development actors). Finally, I work by myself and I offer facilitation, formation and research services in the domains of the communitarian action and development. |
