- Renée Chao Beroff
Doctor in Economy and Finance, she is responsible for the Department of Survey and Research in the ICDR (International Center of Development and Research) since 1982. As such, she conceived and finalized the methodology of approach and the process of setting up and consolidation of villager self-managed saving and credit banks (CVECA), that has been successfully developed in numerous regions of Africa, since about fifteen years. She made numerous studies of identification, feasibility, advice and assessment in microfinance and in rural finance, in more than twenty countries of Africa and Asia, for the account of the ICDR as well as for bilateral and multilateral humanitarian agencies. (KFW, AFD, FENU, UNDP, GTZ, FIDA, USAID, World Bank...). She has experience in institutionalization and autonomisation of the microfinance institutions , and a good knowledge on the questions of regulation and supervision of this sector. Renée Chao-Beroff has participated with the Joint Working Group of the German Cooperation, on "struggle against poverty by self-promotion" from 1984 to 1989. She has organized and facilitated many workshops on exchange of experiences, in the north and in the south. She has intervened in academic conferences (IUED, Senghor University, Goethe…) and in experts conferences (DSE, CGAP, OECD, forum of microfinance in Mali...), on issues of microfinance, alternative financing of agriculture, development of micro enterprise and fight against poverty. She participates at the teaching at SYDEC, the formation session for the SFD of the CEFEB, since 1995. She has had a seat as member of the CGAP Policy Advisory Group from 1995 to 1999. Site Centre International de Développement et de Recherche (CIDR) |