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La proposition


Vos réponses


par auteur


par date


sur l’idée de l’Alliance


sur l’esprit de la Charte


sur la Charte constitutive


sur les dispositifs de travail


sur le calendrier


sur vos intentions de participation


Autres réponses





ACCUEIL > Vos réponses

Second analytical summary

par Hervé Maillot, Allié. France , 20 mai 2005

From an outside point of view, the main information midway through the consultation is that 50 persons out of the more than 6,500 Allies and non Allies that were addressed have answered the questionnaire : the participation rate is under 0.7%.

The answers overwhelmingly approve the Alliance as place of expression, sharing, awareness raising, brotherhood, and connection. Most of them emphasize the extreme need for such a place to counter the innumerable local and global fragmentation processes.

It then appears that in its current activity the Alliance does not always meet the expectations of its members : the word "concrete" frequently comes up in the answers. It refers to the desire to tackle the "real problems" (social, environmental, demographic, food, economic, etc.), the desire for action on the field, to the need that is felt to target specific objectives. The Constituent Charter proposal is often seen as too "theoretical," "fuzzy," or "conceptual" and for the participants, "concrete" means :
- a Charter that proposes rules to organize and encourage action, to increase the impact of the Alliance, to enforce its legitimacy, and to intensify the circulation of what it promotes ;
- working procedures that encourage local initiatives and bottom-up processes to build a global community ;
- an agenda that offers a strategic vision and a calendar that proposes events that will institute this community.

"It is only by accepting reality that we will be able to change it." This excerpt from an answer illustrates a shared concern, among others with regard to the Alliance’s communication strategy, its official and public positioning, its legitimacy, and its importance in the alterglobalist movement. And some participants then wonder : why not take inspiration from what brought about the success and the celebrity of events or organizations such as the WSF or ATTAC ?

Finally, many answers give an impression of confusion in the view that some participants have of the relations between the FPH and the Alliance. For some, the two entities seem inextricably linked, almost merged. Others express the wish for a change in the somewhat single-parent nature of the Alliance.


Does this idea of an alliance respond, in its content and form of organization, to a need of our time ?
Results out of 19 answers to the questionnaire from non Allies on May 19, 2005

Participation Intentions
Results out of 50 answers to the quesionnaire on May 19, 2005

Do you find this proposal for a Constituent Charter suitable in its spirit and its main lines (for a new stage of the Alliance) ?
Results out of 50 answers to the quesionnaire on May 19, 2005

Constituent Charter : Points not understood or disgreed with
Results out of 50 answers to the quesionnaire on May 19, 2005

Working Procedures : Points not understood or disgreed with
Results out of 50 answers to the questionnaire on May 19, 2005

Calendar : Points not understood or disgreed with
Results out of 50 answers to the questionnaire on May 19, 2005


Avant de réagir à cette synthèsese, nous vous encourageons vivement, si vous ne l'avez pas déjà fait, de nous envoyer préalablement vos réponses au questionnaire.



- français
- Español

Autres synthèses
Troisième synthèse |8 juin 2005 |
Quatrième synthèse |4 juillet 2005 |
Cinquième synthèse |26 juillet 2005 |
Sixième synthèse |7 septembre 2005 |
Rapport final de consultation sur le projet de Charte constitutive de l’Alliance pour un monde responsable, pluriel et solidaire. |6 décembre 2005 |
1ère Synthèse |11 mai 2005 |


- Alliance pour un monde responsable, pluriel et solidaire -
- Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le progrès de l'Homme -