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The Proposal


Your answers to the questionnaire


by author


by date


on the idea of the Alliance


on the spirit of the Charter


on the Constituent Charter


on the working procedures


on the calendar


on your possible participation


Other answers




Analytical Summaries

Other answers

Here you will find all of the answers given by those taking part in the consultation. The answers, written in one of the four languages of the consultation, are reassorted per question and followed by the reactions they may have inspired among participants and visitors of this Web site. Please allow for a short interval for answers to be processed after they are received and before they are posted on line.

John STEWART, Allie. Zimbabwe | en | 14 September 2005 |
The need for long term patient determined and enjoyable, joyful action is so great. A new world is possible, it i time to re-enchant the world! (thanks to Hamilton!)

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Armel HUET, Non allie. France | fr | 14 September 2005 |
C’est toujours réconfortants de voir de telles initiatives.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Armel HUET |
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Anonyme 28, Allie. Cote d’ivoire | en | 14 September 2005 |

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Ruth ESPINOLA SORIANO DE MELLO, Allie. Brasil | es | 23 August 2005 |
Poderíamos pensar em um instrumento de internet tal qual o "ORKUT" em que pudessemos facilmente conhecer os aliados, seus interesses, ações etc.
A atual forma de apresentação dos grupos da Aliança na internet termina criando guetos, ilhas, isto, é, temos um visão limitada (míope) de cada um na Aliança, especialmente para os que participam a pouco tempo e os que não têm a prática de participar dos eventos da (...)

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Ruth ESPINOLA SORIANO DE MELLO |
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Svitlana PYSARENKO, Allie. Ukraine | en | 23 August 2005 |
I am much obliged for your letter and offered opportunity to take part in this interesting and wholesome undertaking

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Edgar GNANSOUNOU, Non allie. Suisse | fr | 19 August 2005 |
J’espère que l’Alliance pour un monde responsable, pluriel et solidaire contribueraà la mise en place d’un creuset d’initiatives positives et donnera une forte impulsion aux changements nécessaires pour un monde de justice et de dignité.

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Maria da gloria FIGUEREIDO SAUZA, Non allie. Brasil | fr | 19 August 2005 |
I’d like to know if there any expectation of a meeting in Brasil or in latin america.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Maria da gloria FIGUEREIDO SAUZA |
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Pierre SICARD, Allie. France | fr | 19 August 2005 |
La démarche répond à un besoin. Le dispositif de travail risque de ne pas assurer une ouverture suffisante.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Pierre SICARD |
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Zita NYIRENDA, Allie. Tanzania | fr | 19 August 2005 |
The constituent Charter is very good.
1. What can we do if the charter’s objectives go against the governments policy ?
2. Allies should be involved fully to participate in order to understand properly the initiatives.

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Tom borsen HANSEN, Non allie. Denmark | fr | 19 August 2005 |
I am happy to see "translating into practice the proposals produced by the Alliance" as a point in the calendar, and also the creation of the common ethical platform (point 2).

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Tom borsen HANSEN |
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Anonyme 27, Non allie. Cameroun | fr | 19 August 2005 |
Je pense que si tous les alliés travaillent avec sérieux et conviction profonde l’Alliance sera une lampe pour un monde qui chemine vers une nuit encore plus noire.

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Philippe DAUCHEZ-HUE, Non allie. Mali | fr | 19 August 2005 |
Initiative réjouissante - pourvu que le projet se poursuive.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Philippe DAUCHEZ-HUE |
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Penda NDIAYE, Non allie. Sénégal | fr | 19 August 2005 |
Respect rigoureux des termes de la Charte librement acceptés, pour aboutir à un fonctionnement démocratique de notre organisation. Ceci pour sauver l’humanité et notre monde de tout péril éventuel.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Penda NDIAYE |
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François SAINT-OUEN, Non allie. Suisse | fr | 19 August 2005 |
Votre initiative est bienvenue.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from François SAINT-OUEN |
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Michel LUCAS, France | fr | 19 August 2005 |
En tant que commandeur du Mérite agricole au titre du Développement durable, je travaille particulièrement des propositions pour rendre compatible l’urbanisme avec la destination ... des biens.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Michel LUCAS |
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Eugene ZAPATA GARESCHE, Allie. Mexico | en | 18 August 2005 |
Before proceeding any further it would be very useful to have an updated balance of the real situation of the Alliance in 2005. How many active members? which countries? which institutions? what activities? where are we present? Good luck to us all.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Eugene ZAPATA GARESCHE |
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E. timothée BADOU, Allie. BENIN | fr | 18 August 2005 |
je pas de commentaire particulier par rapport à tout.

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Pierre HAUSELMANN, Non allie. Switzerland | en | 18 August 2005 |
in the question "Would you eventually be interested in being part of:", "eventually" is understood as a faux-ami from the French "éventuellement", meaning maybe and not as the English "eventually" (will surely happen).

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Pierre HAUSELMANN |
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Salvino MEDEIROS, Allie. Brasil | es | 18 August 2005 |
Muito Obrigado por esta oportunidade de diálogo construtivo. Espero poder contribuir para o sucesso desta experiência.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Salvino MEDEIROS |
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Graciela ROSSI, Allie. Argentina | es | 18 August 2005 |
La esperanza permanente de constituirnos en una verdadera `Red para la vida`,que aùne voluntades pacifistas, plurales, imaginativas y por sobre todas las cosas que contribuya a la concresiòn de un espacio colectivo respetuoso de las diversidades, las diferencias, pero promotor del rescate para la superaciòn de las desigualdades.(Malestar profundo de nuestas culturas, que ya no posee nada de tolerable, como dirìa (...)

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1-20 | 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140 141-160 161-180 181-200 201-220 221-233






Your reactions are sent to our facilitator, who will then post them. Anyone can react to any of the answers.

Answers to the questionnaire are posted in their original language. If necessary, you can use one of the machine-translation programs available on the Internet.



- Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World -
- Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind -