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Alliance 21: Making Another World Possible
Evaluations, Visions, Proposals, and Projects
Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World
April 2003

The first three parts :

- Evaluation and Vision of the Future
- Proposals and Projects
- Report on the Participatory Process Used for the Evaluation and Future of the Alliance

- The second stage of the Alliance :



By Pierre Calame

First Contribution to a Collective Thinking Process

A/ First Stage of the Alliance: an Attempt to Put Things in Perspective

The Alliance for a Responsible and United World, which became in 1999 the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World in order to privilege the relationship between unity and diversity, was born in 1994 and was gradually developed by the progressive approval by people and institutions from many different countries and backgrounds of the Platform for a Responsible and United World, drafted in December 1993. The Platform itself is the fruit of extended cross-cultural research conducted by the Group of Vézelay between 1998 and 1993.

The Group of Vézelay’s work was financed by the FPH, which also backed at the time the birth and the development of the Alliance.

Right from the beginning, the Alliance determined for itself a vocation, some elements of working methods, and a timetable.

A vocation: to contribute to defining and implementing the great mutations highlighted in the Platform as inescapable.

Some elements of working methods:

1. To promote a gradual process, favoring at all times the interaction
between diversity and unity, and between the local and the global. To combine three forms of approaches—three paths, so to speak: the “geocultural” path, which symbolizes the diversity of contexts, the “socioprofessional” path, which symbolizes the diversity of socioprofessional spheres, and the “thematic” path, which symbolizes the diversity of the challenges.

2. To move beyond analysis and denunciation toward producing proposals and to base these proposals on concrete realities, innovations, and experiences.

3. To maintain permanent interaction among the three approaches and to highlight the connections among the proposals in an effort to show the interdependence among the problems and the strategies for change.

A timetable: the Platform proposed the organization of an “Earth Citizens’ Assembly” in the year 2000. The actual outcome was the “World Citizens Assembly” held in 2001.

The vocation, the working-method elements, and the timetable of the Alliance defined a style and a state of mind to start from. From then on, the Alliance was to be “invented as it went along.”

Three periods can be identified within this first “founding” stage of the Alliance (1994-2002):

  • first steps (1994-1997);
  • structuring attempts (1998-1999);
  • elaboration of Proposal Papers; preparation and staging of the World
    Citizens Assembly (2000-2001).

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